Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Back is not always best Halo

Halo sleep sacks remind us very lovingly with the stitched phase, "back is best."  Lana awoke in the middle of her nap to cry, stand up, sit down, and just give in to the sleepiness. Her poor back.

Hat revision

If Lana was a plumber, the hat I made for her would have been perfect. However, she is not so it needed some love. This crocheting mama went to work on more rows and a flower.  You tube to the rescue again!  The flower took me almost as long as the entire hat, but I think it was worth it. I still have some work to do on the attachment front for sure and decreasing the production time would be beneficial as well. I've always been a little slow ha!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ten month old temper tantrums

Hilarious and pitiful all at the same time. Sweet girl decided her morning nap was overrated and eating her breakfast and lunch would only take away time from her fits. Hoping for a much better afternoon nap and evening of play! 

(Check out the hands with the eye peeking out to see if mom is still watching)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hat crazy

Well some awesome lady friends from our Homebuilders group crochet these amazing hats and I've decided to try to learn. Thus far I have made two baby beanies over the last two nights.

First attempt (before I weaved in my tails and took about an hour and 45 minutes)

Second attempt (45 minutes also before any tail weaving because I want to try out the size on Lana)

I still need to accessorize them by adding a flower or something, but I have to learn how to do that first. Now that I have two hats to work with, I feel I will be able to do it easily. Watch out friends and family you may just be getting some beanies or etched glass for gifts this year.  I love this crafty fever I've caught!  My resolutions included not just sitting in front of a tv and actually making some of these Pinterest crafts and recipes.  Speaking of, tonight's dessert apple dumplings, WOW!! I will share the recipe in another post and I will have to take a picture on another batch because we ate all but one. It was down right shameful and glorious all at the same time.

Well goodnight peeps! Stay warm!

Friday, January 3, 2014

The house be changing!

We have got a wild hair to remodel our main floor and so we made it so. Our laundry was being done downstairs in our dark and dingy unfinished basement. Our pantry was enclosed with some bi-fold doors that did not appeal to storage needs. Our formal livingroom and diningroom were not well utilized in the current layout.  It was a big job to adjust these situations. But our patient and very talented contractor Rob Gabriel was up to the job.  Here are some pictures of the before, the process, and the final product. We LOVE it!

Pantry before:

Diningroom before:
In process:

Old formal livingroom (view from entry)

Out with old pantry in goes walkway from kitchen to new diningroom

Closing old opening between livingroom & diningroom and my glorious pantry is created.

New diningroom

New pantry (excuse it's messy appearance) I still have some accessorizing/organizing to do.

Old diningroom is new craft room/laundry room/office

Washer & dryer on opposite side (personally I don't think my pictures are doing it justice, but I want to post this while I have time.)

Of course there remains Pinterest projects, decorating, and all to be done and make this room even better.

First trip out of the house in a week

Lana has been super sick for the first time in her whole ten months. She has ran a fever, rafted a river of snot, and coughed until the cows come home. Poor baby! I have kept us in quarantine for the whole week, missing the lobster New Year's Eve celebration and many other friendly gatherings. However, I'm seriously against going out and spreading the germs and contributing to a germy society. Ha! Well today Lana still is not a 100% but I felt it might be safe enough for a short outing to get some presents for some sweet friends girls and some craft supplies to finish some baby gifts.  It helped her take a good hour and 45 minute nap so that was nice, so nice I joined her.  I was exhausted from her lack of sleeping last night. Oh how I long for healthy days for all again!  To look at our princess during the day would make you think I was lying about her illness...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Glass etching success

Today Lana took a good nap and mommy got to etch some glass!  I've seen tons of Pinterest pins on cool projects related to glass etching and have been meaning to get around to it for a while now.  I wanted to start by putting our last name on a casserole dish.  Meal train love is so awesome and after those yummy treats go down the dishes remain. I do not know about you all, but I forget what belongs to those kind cooks.  I think it turned out well and I hope to go back and add some design to it or something.

Materials Needed/Used:
Vinyl for stencil
Silhouette Cameo
Armour Etching Cream
Foam Brush

I will get better at taking pictures along the way and making these posts more entertaining. I promise. Right now I'm just trying to get away from posting everything in Facebook and doing things during nap times :) Happy etching!